.. _events: Events ====== Initialized ----------- If the first block header was stored successfully, emit an event with the stored block’s height and the (PoW) block hash. *Event Signature* ``Initialized(blockHeight, blockHash)`` *Parameters* * ``blockHeight``: height of the current block submission. * ``blockHash``: hash of the current block submission. *Functions* * :ref:`initialize` StoreMainChainHeader -------------------- If the block header was stored successfully, emit an event with the stored block’s height and the (PoW) block hash. *Event Signature* ``StoreMainChainHeader(blockHeight, blockHash)`` *Parameters* * ``blockHeight``: height of the current block submission. * ``blockHash``: hash of the current block submission. *Functions* * :ref:`storeBlockHeader` StoreForkHeader --------------- If the submitted block header is on a fork, emit an event with the fork’s id, block height and the (PoW) block hash. *Event Signature* ``StoreForkHeader(forkId, blockHeight, blockHash)`` *Parameters* * ``forkId``: unique identifier of the tracked fork. * ``blockHeight``: height of the current block submission. * ``blockHash``: hash of the current block submission. *Functions* * :ref:`storeBlockHeader` ChainReorg ---------- If the submitted block header on a fork results in a reorganization (fork longer than current main chain), emit an event with the block hash of the new highest block, the new maximum block height and the depth of the fork *Event Signature* ``ChainReorg(newChainTip, blockHeight, forkDepth)`` *Parameters* * ``newChainTip``: hash of the new highest block. * ``blockHeight``: new maximum block height (block height of fork tip). * ``forkDepth``: depth of the fork (number of block after diverging from previous main chain). *Functions* * :ref:`storeBlockHeader` VerifyTransactionInclusion -------------------------- If the verification of the transaction inclusion proof was successful, emit an event for the given transaction identifier (``txId``), block height (``txBlockHeight``), and the specified number of ``confirmations``. *Event Signature* ``VerifyTransaction(txId, blockHeight, confirmations)`` *Parameters* * ``txId``: the hash of the transaction. * ``txBlockHeight``: height of block of the transaction. * ``confirmations``: number of confirmations requested for the transaction verification. *Functions* * :ref:`verifyTransactionInclusion` ValidateTransaction --------------------- If parsing and validation of the given raw transaction was successful, emit an event specifying the ``txId``, the ``paymentValue``, the ``recipientBtcAddress`` and the ``opReturnId``. *Event Signature* ``ValidateTransaction(txId, paymentValue, recipientBtcAddress, opReturnId)`` *Parameters* * ``txId``: the hash of the transaction. * ``paymentValue``: integer value of BTC sent in the transaction. * ``recipientBtcAddress``: Bitcoin address (hash) of recipient. * ``opReturnId``: [Optional] 32 byte hash identifier expected in OP_RETURN (replay protection). *Functions* * :ref:`validateTransaction`